lol wow.
I honestly don't know if anyone can play the hole drumset part in r/l. It's pretty awsome. XD
lol wow.
I honestly don't know if anyone can play the hole drumset part in r/l. It's pretty awsome. XD
Why won't you use this in one of your flashes?
remind me not to take the last can of coke.
bom bom bobobobom bom bom bom bom bobobobom lol.
thanx for 10
This jiont is awsome....
This would be great for one of those middle-aged chinese movies with the howrses and tha bows and da samuris and the *shuttting up* (by the way, I know I mispelled words so dun nobody be cussin me out or correctin me T_T)
Hey. It's better than GUCCI's Popcorn
Dude. Much longer and better than his/hers/its. <--lol. anyways, it's good.
Just keep in mind that the more u do, the more it'll surprise others and u'll end up with more fans and haters. it's also a tip I'm gonna end up keepin in my head as well. (that's if I don't forget, as usual)
(ur lucky u got a nice bro that'll upvote ur music. =.=)
I'd hope to at least suprise others with what I have to offer. Not too many people know who I am compared to ParagonX9 or cornandbeans...I'm not that popular right now =^_^= The higher your score goes, the more you're gonna get downvoted, and the more people are gonna hate you 'cause you're doing better than's just the way of some NG users. LOL I guess, but you didn't really upvote it all that much haha...
Dude. Awsome
Hey. it's awsome. It's sure is longer than Xavier's version. As u know, I'm probably gonna end up downloading this on my mp3 player too. Seriously though. U gotta tell me how to make music like those (even though mine's probably gonna be off beat, but it's worth a try.)
It is much longer than Xavier's version, but I must say that I think I like his better because it's instant hype music right from the start. I made it more smooth, so it wasn't the "jump right in" kinda thing. Umm, making music...has a lot to do with clicking your mouse...and that's pretty much the definition of it for me and other NG music artists LOL. Thanks for your reviews =^_^=
@.@.....woah creepy. I think I'm gonna have nightmares. THANX ALOT!!!
Hey. I'm SHADOWFOX2'S lil bro. I don't know how to make anything unless my bro tells me how, or if I find out for myself. (which may take a while)
Joined on 2/1/07